In the United States alone, an estimated 54 million people ages 12 and older have abused prescription medications at least once in their lifetime. This staggering statistic highlights just how serious a risk things like prescription opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants pose to public health. While many users initially take these common medications to aid in physical and mental health, many studies have shown that prescription drugs can actually cause the body more harm in the long run by increasing the effects of aging, causing irreversible heart and liver damage, and suppressing the immune system.
Fortunately, modern western medicine isn’t the only solution to combating mental, physical, and emotional ailments. Energy healing, for example, has been used for centuries to help patients recover and heal from illnesses, traumatic experiences, and other afflictions. In this article, you can learn everything you need to know about energy healing, including:
What is Energy Healing?
Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a variety of holistic healing techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical wellbeing. By accessing, channeling, balancing, and manipulating the body’s natural energy centers, energy healing processes can help increase healing and support health.
While practices vary in methods and techniques, each is based on the idea that every aspect of the body is intimately connected and that by connecting the subconscious and conscious, the whole body can be engaged to promote healing, health, and wellbeing. Unlike the prescription medications and invasive surgeries of conventional medical practices, energy healing combines powerful physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to aid in natural healing.
The History of Energy Healing
The concept of energy healing can be traced back several thousand years to an ancient Indian spiritual tradition of universal energy called prana. Prana, or the breath of life, is based on the idea that universal energy is the basic component and source of every life form. In the third millennium B.C., the ancient Chinese people founded the belief that all matter is pulsing with vital energy they called ch’i. This universal energy is composed of two opposing forces, yin and yang, that when balanced, promote optimal physical and mental health. The common holistic practice of acupuncture, for example, is designed to help balance the yin and yang energies in the body.
Today, energy healing practitioners continue to use these and other similar ideologies to help patients channel conscious and subconscious energies and promote prime mental and physical health.
Types of Energy Healing
Thanks to prehistoric roots, the types of energy healing are virtually endless. There are, however, several methods of energy healing that are prominently used by practitioners across the globe to help patients maintain better health. These methods include:
Methods based on Muscle testing
Initially used in the 20th century to measure muscle weakness in polio patients, this practice is presently used in over 70 different techniques by more than one million practitioners worldwide. Practitioners initiate muscle testing by asking a definitive question and then gauging the positive and negative muscle response. It’s believed that a strong muscle response indicates a “yes” or positive answer, while the weak muscle response indicates a “no answer. By querying the nervous system in this way, energetic imbalances can be found and eliminated quite efficiently.
Magnetic healing
Magnets are used to release Trapped Emotions that are causing ailments while at the same time increasing blood flow, improving flexibility, building muscle strength, and relaxing and lengthening the body’s muscles and soft tissues. As outlined in The Emotion Code, magnetic healing is typically implemented after identifying Trapped Emotions, when practitioners pass a magnet over the Governing Meridian in the patient’s body three times. When combined with the healing intentions of the practitioner, this practice fills the body with magnetic energy, which helps to release and transform the trapped emotional energy. Because the body functions on principles of biomagnetic energy, muscle testing can be used as a means of connecting with the subconscious mind to identify the energies and emotions that are governing physical, mental, and emotional afflictions.
Chakra balancing
Chakra, or “wheel” in Old Sanskrit, refers to the energy life force (or prana, as mentioned above) that moves inside the human body. When balanced, the body’s seven main chakras channel optimal energy levels to every connected aspect of the mind, body, and spirit. Unbalanced chakras — or energy that’s spinning too quickly or slowly, however — typically have negative effects on the body’s health. Beginning with the Root chakra below the genitals and ending with the Crown chakra above the crown of the head, this chakra chart sheds light on the importance of maintaining balance within each of the seven chakras.
How Chakras Work in Energy Healing
As outlined in the section above, the body’s seven main chakras are each associated with a different set of organs and systems within the body. Because the entire concept of energy healing focuses on maintaining balance and health between the mind, body, and spirit, ensuring all seven chakras are balanced is an important key. It’s important to note, too, that each chakra corresponds with areas of the body that use a substantial amount of energy. The heart chakra, for example, contains enough electromagnetic energy that it can be measured from several feet away. However, if the heart chakra is closed or underactive, the flow of energy through the chakra is hindered, which can have a domino effect on the other energy centers of your body.
Furthermore, because chakras represent various aspects of consciousness along with parts of the physical body, maintaining well-balanced chakras is critical when it comes to promoting a healthy mind and spirit — both key aspects of energy healing. Because of this interconnectedness, it’s not uncommon for tension in a particular part of consciousness to ultimately result in physical symptoms. If you experience a bad breakup in a relationship, for example, you’ll feel it in your heart chakra and experience tension in the nerves associated with your heart. Over time, this harbored tension intensifies and sparks physical symptoms that only chakra healing and chakra balancing can resolve. Therefore, by regularly practicing energy healing techniques like chakra healing, you can often reverse the symptoms of physical disease and illness.
How Trapped Emotions Cause Chakra Imbalance
In the holistic community, the phrase “Trapped Emotions” is commonly used to describe any unconscious emotional energies which exist as a result of intense or traumatic emotional events that have not been fully processed and released from the body or mind. When emotional energy like this becomes trapped, the various organs or glands in the body are often the victim. Because each of the seven chakras correlates with an organ in the body, when an emotion becomes trapped in a body organ, it causes an unbalanced flow of energy through the chakra. As discussed in the previous section, eventually the tension of the Trapped Emotion begins to cause physical pain, uneasiness, drastic emotional changes, and depression. Thankfully, through energy healing methods like muscle testing and chakra balancing, these emotions can be identified, processed, and extinguished from the body, restoring a healthy, balanced chakra system.
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